169 research outputs found

    Prvi dokumentirani zapis o Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810. (Perciformes, Stromatoidea) duž kalabrijskih obala (Južna Italija, Središnji Mediteran)

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    The first record of Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810 off Calabrian coast (Southern Italy, Central Mediterranean) is reported. The specimen, a male of 361 mm total length, was found at a depth of 7 m during a scientific visual census research activity, in March 2017. The sighting was located off the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria (Paola: 39.355453N, 16.029192E). The present finding represents the 1st documented record for the Tyrrhenian coast of the Calabria region.Objavljen je prvi podatak o Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810. godine u blizini kalabrijske obale (Južna Italija, Središnji Mediteran). Primjerak mužjaka ukupne dužine 361 mm, pronađen je na dubini od 7 m, u ožujku 2017. godine u blizini Tirenske obale Calabrie (Paola: 39.355453N, 16.029192E). Ovaj nalaz predstavlja prvi dokumentirani zapis za Tirensku obalu pokrajine Calabria

    Symmetries and criticality of generalised van der Waals models

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    We consider a family of thermodynamic models such that the energy density can be expressed as an asymptotic expansion in the scale formal parameter and whose terms are suitable functions of the volume density. We examine the possibility to construct solutions for the Maxwell thermodynamic relations relying on their symmetry properties and deduce the critical properties implied in terms of the the dynamics of coexistence curves in the space of thermodynamic variables

    Description of a Non-Canonical AsPt Blue Species Originating from the Aerobic Oxidation of AP-1 in Aqueous Solution

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    The peculiar behavior of arsenoplatin-1, ([Pt(μ-NHC(CH3)O)2ClAs(OH)2], AP-1), in aqueous solution and the progressive appearance of a characteristic and intense blue color led us to carry out a more extensive investigation to determine the nature of this elusive chemical species, which we named “AsPt blue”. A multi-technique approach was therefore implemented to describe the processes involved in the formation of AsPt blue, and some characteristic features of this intriguing species were revealed

    Inflammasome, T Lymphocytes and Innate-Adaptive Immunity Crosstalk: Role in Cardiovascular Disease and Therapeutic Perspectives

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    AbstractOver the past few decades, lot of evidences have shown atherosclerosis as a chronic progressive disease with an exquisite inflammatory feature. More recently, the role of innate immune response in the onset and progression of coronary artery disease (CAD) and an adaptive immunity imbalance, mostly involving T cell sub-sets, have been documented. Therefore, like in many other inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, an altered innate-adaptive immunity crosstalk could represent the key of the inflammatory burden leading to atherosclerotic plaque formation and progression and to the breakdown of plaque stability. In this review, we will address the role of inflammasome in innate immunity and in the imbalance of adaptive immunity. We will discuss how this altered immune crosstalk is related to CAD onset and progression. We will also discuss how unravelling the key molecular mechanisms is of paramount importance in the development of therapeutic tools to delay the chronic progression and prevent the acute destabilization of atherosclerotic plaque

    Minimally invasive aortic valve replacement: short-term efficacy of sutureless compared with stented bioprostheses

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    Sutureless aortic valve prostheses have been introduced to facilitate the implant process, speed up the operating time and improve haemodynamic performance. The goal of this study was to assess the potential advantages of using sutureless prostheses during minimally invasive aortic valve replacement in a large multicentre population

    Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements in the Muscle of the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus from Mediterranean Waters

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    Environmental pollution, particularly in the marine environment, has become a significant concern due to the increasing presence of pollutants and their adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. This study focuses on the bioaccumulation of trace elements in the muscle tissue of the blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus) from different areas in the Mediterranean Sea. Trace elements are of interest due to their persistence, toxicity, and potential for bioaccumulation. This research aims to assess the distribution and accumulation of trace elements in the muscle tissue of G. melastomus and investigate their potential impact on the deep-sea environment of the Mediterranean. The focused areas include the Ligurian Sea, the northern and central Tyrrhenian Sea, the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ionian Sea, the Pantelleria Waters, and the Gela Waters. Samples were collected following established protocols, and trace element analysis was conducted using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The study provides data on the concentrations of 17 trace elements, namely aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, selenium, strontium, lead, chromium, iron, barium, bismuth, and uranium. The findings contribute to a better understanding of trace element bioaccumulation patterns in elasmobranch species, specifically G. melastomus, and highlight the potential risks associated with chemical contamination in the Mediterranean Sea. This research emphasizes the importance of studying the impacts of pollutants on marine organisms, particularly those occupying key ecological roles, like sharks, to support effective conservation and management strategies

    Development and validation of a recommended checklist for assessment of surgical videos quality: the LAParoscopic surgery Video Educational GuidelineS (LAP-VEGaS) video assessment tool

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    Introduction There has been a constant increase in the number of published surgical videos with preference for open-access sources, but the proportion of videos undergoing peer-review prior to publication has markedly decreased, raising questions over quality of the educational content presented. The aim of this study was the development and validation of a standard framework for the appraisal of surgical videos submitted for presentation and publication, the LAParoscopic surgery Video Educational GuidelineS (LAP-VEGaS) video assessment tool. Methods An international committee identified items for inclusion in the LAP-VEGaS video assessment tool and finalised the marking score utilising Delphi methodology. The tool was finally validated by anonymous evaluation of selected videos by a group of validators not involved in the tool development. Results 9 items were included in the LAP-VEGaS video assessment tool, with every item scoring from 0 (item not presented in the video) to 2 (item extensively presented in the video), with a total marking score ranging from 0 to 18. The LAP-VEGaS video assessment tool resulted highly accurate in identifying and selecting videos for acceptance for conference presentation and publication, with high level of internal consistency and generalisability. Conclusions We propose that peer review in adherence to the LAP-VEGaS video assessment tool could enhance the overall quality of published video outputs.[GRAPHICS]

    O Serviço Psiquiátrico de Diagnóstico e Tratamento no Hospital Geral: usuários e novas urgências

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    El Servizio di psichiatrico Diagnosis and Healing (SPDC), que nació como una representación del "territorio" dentro de la realidad del hospital. Objetivos. El objetivo de la investigación es mostrar qué nuevas emergencias en SPDC y cómo estas situaciones han cambiado en el pasado. Tres estudios diferentes se planearon. El primer estudio analizó el principio de los trastornos esquizofrénicos en el primer contacto con los servicios psiquiátricos, para evaluar una posible correlación entre la aparición de la esquizofrenia y el abuso de sustancias de 136 pacientes ingresados en el Consejo de Estado, en el período comprendido entre 2001 y 2007. El segundo estudio evaluó retrospectivamente a partir de 1985 a 1998, comparándolos con los del trienio 2007-2009. Y por último, el tercer estudio midió la tasa de agotamiento de casi todos los operadores de casi todos piamonteses SPDC. En todos los estudios publicados, las escalas psicopatológicas se han utilizado y reconocido pruebas. En 130 episodios esquizofrénicos, el 46,1% tiene una anamnesis positiva para el abuso de sustancias. Estos pacientes muestran una mayor resistencia al tratamiento inicial con hospitalizaciones más largas. El análisis mostró alteraciones, a través de los años, una reducción en las hospitalizaciones por psicosis esquizofrénica, lo que contrasta con un aumento en las hospitalizaciones por trastornos de la personalidad y agitación psicomotora. El análisis de las tasas de agotamiento, la mayoría de los operadores tienen valores medio-alto agotamiento emocional y despersonalización, mientras que el 47% tiene baja realización personal. Estas condiciones psicopatológicas casi siempre se asocia con una mayor carga para la asistencia social que se refleja operadores con el mismo riesgo de burnout

    Treatment modifiers across different regimens of natalizumab treatment in MS: An Italian real-world experience

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    despite its widespread use in clinical practice, the effectiveness of natalizumab extended interval dosing (EID) adopted from treatment start across different treatment intervals and individual modifiers (body mass index BMI) is still under-investigated. here, seven-hundred and forty-five multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, exposed to natalizumab for 3.30 +/- 1.34 years, were retrospectively enrolled in an observational multicenter study. after stratifying patients in EID or standard interval dosing (SID), we assessed differences in time to relapse, MRI activity and expanded disability status scale (EDSS) progression. the primary analysis was conducted on patients exposed to EID interval from 5 weeks and 1 day to 7 weeks, while a secondary analysis included also EID periods up to 8 weeks. an additional analysis explored the impact of BMI. no differences in time to first relapse, time to radiological activity, time to EDSS progression or time to EDA (evidence of disease activity) were detected between SID and EID group (EID interval from 5 weeks to 1 day to 7 weeks). when including EID periods from 7 weeks and 1 day to 8 weeks, the EID group showed a trend towards higher risk of experience clinical relapses than the SID group. a higher EDA risk was also identified in EID patients with BMI above median. In conclusion, a higher risk of relapses seems to occur for EID above 7 weeks. Independently from the EID scheme adopted, higher BMI increases the risk of EDA in these patients

    A review of the main genetic factors influencing the course of COVID-19 in Sardinia: the role of human leukocyte antigen-G

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    Introduction: A large number of risk and protective factors have been identified during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic which may influence the outcome of COVID-19. Among these, recent studies have explored the role of HLA-G molecules and their immunomodulatory effects in COVID-19, but there are very few reports exploring the genetic basis of these manifestations. The present study aims to investigate how host genetic factors, including HLA-G gene polymorphisms and sHLA-G, can affect SARS-CoV-2 infection. Materials and Methods: We compared the immune-genetic and phenotypic characteristics between COVID-19 patients (n = 381) with varying degrees of severity of the disease and 420 healthy controls from Sardinia (Italy). Results: HLA-G locus analysis showed that the extended haplotype HLA-G*01:01:01:01/UTR-1 was more prevalent in both COVID-19 patients and controls. In particular, this extended haplotype was more common among patients with mild symptoms than those with severe symptoms [22.7% vs 15.7%, OR = 0.634 (95% CI 0.440 – 0.913); P = 0.016]. Furthermore, the most significant HLA-G 3’UTR polymorphism (rs371194629) shows that the HLA-G 3’UTR Del/Del genotype frequency decreases gradually from 27.6% in paucisymptomatic patients to 15.9% in patients with severe symptoms (X2 = 7.095, P = 0.029), reaching the lowest frequency (7.0%) in ICU patients (X2 = 11.257, P = 0.004). However, no significant differences were observed for the soluble HLA-G levels in patients and controls. Finally, we showed that SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Sardinian population is also influenced by other genetic factors such as β-thalassemia trait (rs11549407C>T in the HBB gene), KIR2DS2/HLA-C C1+ group combination and the HLA-B*58:01, C*07:01, DRB1*03:01 haplotype which exert a protective effect [P = 0.005, P = 0.001 and P = 0.026 respectively]. Conversely, the Neanderthal LZTFL1 gene variant (rs35044562A>G) shows a detrimental consequence on the disease course [P = 0.001]. However, by using a logistic regression model, HLA-G 3’UTR Del/Del genotype was independent from the other significant variables [ORM = 0.4 (95% CI 0.2 – 0.7), PM = 6.5 x 10-4]. Conclusion: Our results reveal novel genetic variants which could potentially serve as biomarkers for disease prognosis and treatment, highlighting the importance of considering genetic factors in the management of COVID-19 patients